New update and feature

Hi! It really is my first "post" or whatever, I'm nervous-
I am somewhat inactive from day to day because of depression (sorry :C) but got some strength to update the Equip Items plugin with a feature I thought since the start, autorefilling.
In my head the idea of limiting the player to having to think about what items to equip for battle and growing that strategic part, being able to create op items (but limited) and such, was so nice.
BUT there is a major problem, a tedious thing called having to equip items all the time.
So, inspired by Kingdom Hearts games and the obvious reason to develop something like this, I made an option to save a list of items that will automatically try to refill at the end of each battle.
I think that this feature of autorefilling is a must or the player would die of stress and boredom.
Althought I'm very little and inestable I will post a limited sale because of the update!
Best regards, Lheku Qhukyaru~
I'm sorry about not enabling comments, anxiety kills me :( If you want to contact me for now, use the links provided in my web